Is Your Daycare Secretly Overheating Your Cash? (Plus, a Gift for Your Tiny Rockstars!)

Attention busy bee daycare directors! Feeling the pressure to keep happy, healthy kiddos while also keeping the lights on (without setting the place on fire)? We get it. But what if I told you there’s a way to:

  • Create a comfy, consistent climate for your little ones and staff, even when Texas throws a weather tantrum.
  • Slash your energy bills by 23% on average, freeing up cash for new toys, epic field trips, or maybe even a raise for your amazing staff!
  • Remotely monitor everything from your phone, ensuring things are running smoothly, even when you’re out on errands. ️‍♀️

Introducing the Sensi Thermostat by Autus Properties Facilities Management! ️ It’s like the silent guardian of your daycare’s comfort and budget. Here’s why you’ll be doing a happy dance:

Kids (and adults) say “Ahhh!”: Forget cranky thermostats and surprise meltdowns! Sensi adapts to humidity, so even on sweltering days, your little ones won’t feel like they’re in a sauna. Plus, you can lock it down, so no more temperature wars!

Your wallet does a happy dance: That 23% average electricity savings is no joke. Imagine using that extra cash for new toys, fun field trips, or maybe even a raise for your amazing staff!

You’re the remote control whisperer: Monitor and adjust temperatures from anywhere, anytime. No more panicking about frozen pipes during a winter storm or wondering if the AC is blasting while you’re out on errands. ❄️

But wait, there’s more!

  • Set temperature limits to prevent accidental Arctic blasts or tropical meltdowns.
  • Choose the level of control you want for onsite staff. Give them full access or just let them adjust a few settings – it’s up to you! ️
  • Connect with Alexa or Google Assistant! Because who doesn’t love a little hands-free magic? 🪄

Intrigued? I know you are!

Click here to schedule a quick 30-minute site visit on my calendar and get a special welcome gift just for mentioning this post!

P.S. Share your biggest daycare energy challenge in the comments!

P.P.S. Tag a fellow director who needs this magic! ✨

#earlychildhoodeducation #daycare #facilitiesmanagement #energyefficiency #smarthome #sensithermostat #autusproperties

Remember, happy kids, happy staff, happy wallet – it’s all within reach!

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